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Our offer > Customers & Suppliers Partnership

Most Sales Departments admit that one of the major weapons in a competitive world is to build customer loyalty. Then the real question is how to become your clients’ favorite supplier?

  • Do I have to offer the same service level to all my clients and for the whole range of products?
  • How to value my performance in order to create a favoured relationship over time?

The same applies to its suppliers. How can I become my suppliers’ favorite customer?

  • Which information do they need to better answer my demand?
  • How can I benefit from their skills, while compensating their under-performances?

Decision Value considers that a collaborative approach usually enables the most value creation at every level of the supply chain. But what are the rules to follow and how to convince clients and suppliers to adopt this approach? Decision Value can provide assistance on the following subjects:


  • Customer Service rationalization
    • Client/Product Cross-segmentation analysis
    • Identification of the service offer by segment
    • Benchmarking
    • Reorganization / Optimization of the Customer Service department scope of action
  • Key Account Management
    • Identification of Key Accounts
    • Definition of a well-adapted offer and of win-win terms of collaboration
  • Supplier's performance Audit
    • Elaboration of a maturity table to answer our expectations
    • Interfaces dysfunctions analysis
  • Collaborative approach implementation
    • Design of the collaboration policy with clients or suppliers: what is the goal of our collaboration? What are the issues? Who will be the key players and what role and responsibilities are expected from them?
    • Implementation of a collaborative charter (SLE : Service Level Agreement)
    • Identification of the processes and tools to be implemented: Needs Forecasts sharing, PTX Platform, CPFR, VMI, ...
  • Assistance in the implementation of exchange systems between customers and suppliers (EDI, collaborative platform…) and change management